Thursday, 27 June 2013

An Introduction To The Challenge

Inspired by a good friend's attempt to do the exact same thing and the fact I have too many games that are going unplayed with no motivation to play them, I will be attempting the A-Z Steam Challenge, in which I must complete all games in my Steam Library in alphabetical order.

For those that are unversed in the ways of PC gaming, Steam is an digital distribution platform, enabling gamers around the world to have all their games in a digital library. 

For shame!
So, with 99 games worth over £1000 (God, that's really depressing), I will lay out some ground rules:
  • Only games with defined single player sections are taken into account, so multiplayer games like DOTA 2 or Planetside 2, or sandbox games like Cities XL or The Sims 3 will not be taken into consideration, leaving the grand total at 85 games to be finished (give or take a couple I may have missed).
  • I cannot cheat to make playing a game easier or to skip levels, but I don't have to 100% a game to consider it finished, simply see the end of a campaign or some form of credits roll.
  • If a new game is added to my Steam library (which is likely, with sales and such) that comes earlier in the alphabet than the game I am on, I will finish the game I am on and go back to the earlier game afterwards. 
  • Obviously, I have completed some games in my library, therefore, I am leaving it to my discretion whether I wish to play it again. Games like The Walking Dead I am happy leaving, due to the linear nature and story of it, but games like Bioshock Infinite offers new challenges on harder difficulties, so will probably be played again. The decision to replay a game will be made whenever I come to said game, not at the start of the challenge.
Pretty sure that's it on the rule's front. I will be starting this madness on Saturday, since I haven't even the first game on the list installed. I will usually update whenever I start a new game, and at any major points during my playthroughs.

So, I will see you on Saturday with an introduction to the first game on the list: A Game Of Thrones: Genesis!

Lucky me! *sarcasm*

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