Friday, 12 July 2013

Amnesia: The Dark Descent - Introduction

I'm a pussy when it comes to scary video games. Scary movies don't get under my skin and I usually laugh through them because of the obvious attempts of trying to be scary, but for whatever reason, putting me in control of my avatar in the world strikes the fear of God into me. 

Which is why I'm dreading playing Amnesia. I've been told it isn't actually too scary, it's more just constant tension, but that still creeps me out when I'm the one controlling the pace. My first attempt to play Amnesia resulted in me making a very high-pitched scream at the first sight of the monster and quickly shutting the game down proclaiming "Fuck that shit".

I don't imagine there will be too many updates for Amnesia, it probably doesn't lend itself very well to commentary and wise-cracks, but I'll try and do something substantial so I'm not silent for a couple of days.

So, with noise-cancelling headphones and as dark as I could get my room at midday with shitty blinds, away we go...

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